Author Guidelines

Updated November 8, 2024.


On this page, you will find information about: 

Manuscript preparation
Manuscript template

Figures and tables
Reference style


Manuscript preparation

All manuscripts should be written in good English. All manuscripts should be reviewed and edited by a native English speaker with expertise in the field before submission.
Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
Use International Systems of Units (SI) symbols.
Double-spacing, Calibri font.


Manuscript template

Download template:

Original or Review Article Template
Case Report Article Template


Figures and tables


Files are provided in our required file formats: jpg, png.
Colour photographic images: minimum 300 dpi.
Grayscale photographic images: minimum 600 dpi.
Name figure files as Figure 1, 2, 3... etc.


All text in the tables should be in English.
Original and editable format.
Name table files as Table 1, 2, 3... etc.
If using indicators for footnotes, use superscript letters (a, b, c).


Reference style

Text citations:

References should be listed in the text in the order they appear as consecutive numbers within parentheses, e.g., [1,2]. If there are three or more references, the sources should be listed as a series of numbers with hyphens, e.g., [1-3]. References should be typed in citation number order. List all authors if six or less, otherwise list first six only, followed by "et al".

Abbreviate journal titles according to PubMed's list of journals:

Journal articles:

Standard journal:

Undaryati YM, I’tishom R, Sudjarwo SA. Curcumin Protective Potential for the Seminiferous Tubules of Mice Treated with Lead Acetate. Trends in Sciences 2023; 20(10): 6928.

Alhusaini AM, Fadda LM, Alsharafi H, Alshamary AF, Hasan IH. L-Ascorbic Acid and Curcumin Prevents Brain Damage Induced via Lead Acetate in Rats: Possible Mechanisms. Dev Neurosci 2022; 44(2): 59-66.

Volume with no issue:

Sharifi-Rad J, Rayess Y El, Rizk AA, Sadaka C, Zgheib R, Zam W, et al. Turmeric and Its Major Compound Curcumin on Health: Bioactive Effects and Safety Profiles for Food, Pharmaceutical, Biotechnological and Medicinal Applications. Front Pharmacol 2020; 11.


Winn WC, Koneman EW. Koneman's Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology. United Kingdom: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006.

Book Chapter:

Sharma SK, Sharma PR, Johnson KI, Madan Y, Li S, Cai G, et al. Plant-derived Carboxycellulose: Highly Efficient Cionanomaterials for Removal of Toxic Lead from Contaminated Water. Separations of Water Pollutants with Nanotechnology. London: Elsevier; 2022.


World Health Organization. Lead in Drinking Water. Geneva: WHO Press; 2016. Available from: Accessed August 20, 2019.

World Health Organization. Lead poisoning; 2023. Available from: Accessed January 10, 2024.