Aims and Scope

Medicinum covers a broad spectrum of medical topics including:
  1. General medicine
  2. Clinical medicine and research
  3. Biomedical sciences
  4. Health sciences
  5. Integrative medicine
  6. Neurology
  7. Oncology
  8. Emergency medicine
  9. Reproductive medicine
  10. Environmental medicine
  11. Anasthesy medicine
  12. Cardiology
  13. Neurology
  14. Alternative medicine
  15. Dermatology
  16. Endocrinology
  17. Gastroenterology
  18. Health informatics
  19. Hepatology
  20. Hematology
  21. Immonology
  22. Infectious desease
  23. Nephrology
  24. Obstetrics and Gynecology
  25. Oncology
  26. Opthalmology
  27. Orthopedics
  28. Sport medicine
  29. Pathology
  30. Psychiatry
  31. Radiology
  32. Surgery
  33. Transplantation
  34. Urology
  35. And other relevant subjects